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Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement

Older adult, smiling, having a conversation with a healthcare provider.

The Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement is working to transform health care to ensure every older adult receives the best care possible and is satisfied with the care they receive.

The goal of the national Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement is that all of your care, all of the time, is Age-Friendly Care.

Age-Friendly Care is:

  • Guided by an essential set of evidence-based practices (4Ms)
  • Causes no harm
  • Is consistent with What Matters to you and your family

The Age-Friendly Health Systems movement is helping hospitals, medical practices, retail pharmacy clinics, nursing homes, home-care providers, and others to provide appropriate and quality care for older adults. The movement aims to reach 50% of all U.S. healthcare systems by the end of 2023.